ISO 22301 (BCM) Lead Implementer

Mastering the implementation and management of a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) based on ISO 22301



This five-day intensive course enables participants to develop the necessary expertise to support an organization in implementing and managing a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) as specified in ISO 22301. Participants will also gain a thorough understanding of best practices used to implement business continuity processes from the ISO 22399. This training is consistent with the project management practices established in ISO 10006 (Quality Management Systems – Guidelines for Quality Management in Projects). This training is fully compatible with BS 25999 (Business continuity management specification) and ISO 27031 (Guidelines for information and communication technology readiness for business continuity).


Who should attend?

  • Project managers or consultants wanting to prepare and to support an organization in the implementation of a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)
  • Business continuity auditors who wish to fully understand the implementation of a Business Continuity Management System
  • Persons responsible for the business continuity or conformity in an organization
  • Members of an business continuity team
  • Expert advisors in business continuity
  • Member of an organization that want to prepare for an business continuity function or for a BCMS project management function


Learning objectives

  • To Understand the implementation of a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)in accordance with ISO 22301, ISO 27031 or BS 25999
  • To Gain a comprehensive understanding of the concepts, approaches, standards, methods and techniques required for the effective management of a Business Continuity Management System
  • To Understand the relationship between the components of a Business Continuity Management System and the compliance with the requirements of different stakeholders of the organization
  • To Acquire the necessary expertise to support an organization in implementing, managing and maintaining a BCMS as specified in ISO 22301 or BS 25999
  • To Acquire the necessary expertise to manage a team implementing ISO 22301 or BS 25999 
  • To Develop the knowledge and skills required to advise organizations on best practices in the management of business continuity
  • To Improve the capacity for analysis and decision making in the context of business  continuity  management


Course Agenda

Day 1: Introduction to Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) concepts as required by ISO 22301; Initiating a BCMS

  • Introduction to management systems and the process approach
  • Presentation of the standards ISO 22301, ISO/PAS 22399, ISO 27031, BS 25999 and regulatory framework
  • Fundamental principles of Business continuity 
  • Preliminary analysis and determining the level of maturity of the existing Business ContinuityManagement System based upon ISO 21827
  • Writing a business case and a project plan for the implementation of a BCMS


Day 2: Planning a BCMS based on ISO 22301

  • Definition of the scope of a BCMS
  • Definition of quality policy and objectives
  • Development  of  a BCMS and business continuity policies
  • Business impact analysis (BIA) and risk assessment


Day 3: Implementing a BCMS based on ISO 22301

  • Implementation of a document management framework
  • Design of business continuity processes and writing procedures
  • Implementation of business continuity processes
  • Development of a training & awareness program and communicating about the business continuity
  • Incident management and emergency management
  • Operations management of a BCMS


Day 4: Controlling , monitoring and measuring e a BCMS and the certification audit of a BCMS in accordance with ISO 22301

  • Controlling and Monitoring a BCMS
  • Development of metrics, performance indicators and  dashboards
  • ISO 22301 internal Audit
  • Management review of a BCMS
  • Implementation of a continual improvement program
  • Preparing for an ISO 22301 certification audit


Day 5: Certification Exam



ISO 22301 Foundation Certification or basic knowledge of ISO 27031 or BS 25999 and business continuity concepts is recommended.


Educational approach

This training is based on both theory and practice:

  • Sessions of lectures illustrated with examples based on real cases
  • Practical exercises based on a full case study including role playing and oral presentations
  • Review exercises to assist the exam preparation
  • Practice test similar to the certification exam

Benefit from the  practical exercises, the number of training participants is limited



The “Certified ISO 22301 Lead Implementer” exam fully meets the requirements of the PECB Examination and Certification Program (ECP). The exam covers the following competence domains:

  • Domain 1: Fundamental principles and concepts of business continuity
  • Domain 2: Business continuity management Best Practice
  • Domain 3: Planning a BCMS based on ISO 22301
  • Domain 4: Implementing a BCMS based on ISO 22301
  • Domain 5: Performance evaluation, monitoring and measurement of a BCMS based on ISO 22301
  • Domain 6: Continual improvement of a BCMS based on ISO 22301
  • Domain 7: Preparing for a BCMS certification audit

The “Certified ISO 22301 Lead Implementer” exam is available in different languages (the complete list of languages can be found in the examination application form)

Duration: 3 hours

For more information about exam, refer to PECB section on ISO 22301 Lead Implementer Exam



  • After successfully completing the exam, participants can apply for the credentials of Certified ISO 22301 Provisional Implementer, Certified ISO 22301 Implementer or Certified ISO 22301 
  • Lead Implementer, depending on their level of experience
  • A certificate will be issued to participants who successfully passed the exam and comply with all the other requirements related to the selected credential
  • For more information about ISO 22301 certifications and PECB certification process, refer to PECB section on ISO 22301 Lead Implementer Certification


General Information

  • Exam and certification fees are included in the training price
  • A student manual containing over 450 pages of information and practical examples will be distributed to participants
  • A participation certificate of 31 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) will be issued to participants
  • In case of failure of the exam, participants are allowed to retake the exam for free under certain conditions


Price: 7.950,00 kn + VAT


SP sistemi d.o.o., tel: 01/6444 – 444, e-mail:

The seminar is held in cooperation with ZIH (Zavod za informatičku djelatnost Hrvatske), at Mažuranić Square 8 / III, Zagreb.

Koristimo kolačiće kako bi poboljšali Vaše korisničko iskustvo i funkcionalnost stranice. Više informacija o kolačićima možete pronaći ovdje.

Ključni su za upotrebu Internet stranice i bez istih stranica nema svoju punu funkcionalnost. Nastavkom surfanja i kupovinom neophodni se kolačići smatraju prihvaćenima. Funkcionalni kolačići mogu uključivati kolačiće koji pružaju uslugu koju je korisnik zatražio.


Za pohranu prihvaćanja kolačića.

Ističe: 1 godina

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Prikupljaju se anonimno, ne mogu pratiti aktivnosti korisnika na drugim Internet stranicama i služe za praćenje ponašanja korisnika te u svrhu mjerenja ponašanja publike i sastavljanja izvješća za poboljšanja Internet stranice. Ovi kolačići omogućuju prijenos podataka u treće zemlje, uključujući SAD.


Za pohranu prihvaćanja analitičkih kolačića.

Ističe: 1 godina

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Za pohranu detalja preglednika.

Ističe: Sesija

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Dodatni metapodaci o izvoru prometa trenutne sesije korisnika.

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Bilježi izvor prometa prvog posjeta korisnika web stranici (npr. izvorni UTM parametri).

Ističe: 6 mjeseci

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Pohranjuje dodatne pojedinosti o izvoru prometa za prvi posjet korisnika.

Ističe: 6 mjeseci

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Prati prijelaze između izvora prometa, primjerice kada korisnik mijenja kampanje ili preporuke.

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Prati podatke o prometu specifične za sesiju, kao što je izvor preporuke za trenutni posjet.

Ističe: Sesija

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Pohranjuje skupne korisničke podatke, kao što je kombinacija izvora prometa kroz posjete.

Ističe: 6 mjeseci

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Kolačići su male tekstne datoteke koje internetske stranice koriste kako bi unaprijedile korisničko iskustvo.

Zakon dopušta spremanje kolačića na vaš uređaj ako je to izričito potrebno za rad stranice. Za sve ostale vrste kolačića trebamo vašu suglasnost.

Ove stranice koriste različite vrste kolačića. Neke kolačiće postavljaju usluge trećih strana koje se prikazuju na našim stranicama.

Vašu suglasnost za Izjavu o kolačićima na našim internetskim stranicama možete u bilo kojem trenutku promijeniti ili povući.

Više informacija o tome tko smo mi, kako nas možete kontaktirati i kako obrađujemo vaše osobne podatke možete pronaći u našoj Politici privatnosti.

Molimo vas da pri kontaktiranju vezano za vašu suglasnost navedete svoj ID broj suglasnosti i datum isteka iste.